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Lent Walk Towards Hope

Will you join us in walking 40 miles before Easter to help us spread hope in communities nationwide?

Lent WTH masthead

Over the 40 days of Lent we reflect on Jesus’ journey to the cross and the hope of the resurrection. We reflect on the deep connection between our Christian faith, social justice, and sacrifice as we commit ourselves afresh to following Christ and turn to our neighbours in loving service.

This Lent help CUF spread the love and join our Walk Towards Hope challenge. Raise money as an individual or team by walking 40 miles before Easter.

Sign up today

Creating a fundraising page on Just Giving will make it easy for your friends and family to sponsor your fundraiser online.

At CUF, our mission is to tackle complex challenges like poverty and exclusion across England by mobilising people, churches, and whole communities to make a positive difference.

Through programmes like Growing Good, Places of Welcome, and Positive Pathways, we aim to address not only the physical needs of those in poverty but also to improve relationships ad confidence, empowering individuals and communities with a sense of self-worth.

This Lent you can help us reach more people with the community and hope they deserve. You could gather 10 people to walk 4 miles together, finishing with hot cross buns and a cup of tea, commit to a daily 1 mile prayer walk or set yourself the challenge of walking 40 miles over a weekend.

Hope brings us together. Can you join the Walk Towards Hope this Lent?

Walk Steps Lent

Online fundraising tools: Sign up today

Creating a fundraising page on Just Giving will make it easy for your friends and family to sponsor your fundraiser online

Paper fundraising tools

We've got lots of resources if you prefer paper posters and sponsorship forms. Check the resources below and email Kelly for more support

Tools and tips

Need some inspiration? We're here to help you get started

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Everything you need to get started


JustGiving help and tips

Help to set up your fundraising page and tips to make it successful

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What we do

Our vision is a future where every person in need has access to a community of support

Why the Walk Towards Hope?

The cost-of-living crisis has challenged us all in recent years. Despite this, churches all over England have refused to back down, and have continued to be havens of hope for many communities across the UK. They have been a welcoming and consistent presence for refugees arriving in England, and others who have lost their sense of hope and community.

From hot meals to warm spaces to newfound friendships, churches like those in CUF's Places of Welcome network provide vital physical and emotional support to those in need. Our mission is to give as many people as possible the resources and hope necessary to flourish.

Alistair took part in the advent Walk Towards Hope challenge and told us "I'm getting an opportunity to serve people in need. That answers my own need, it's circular. And I chose CUF because I want to help people rediscover their sense of hope and community."

When can I take part?

Once you’ve signed up to the challenge you can start straight away. We suggest setting up a Just Giving Page and joining our newsletter for support.

You should try to complete your 40 miles by the end of Easter, but if you’re finding it difficult at any stage, you can reach out to us for guidance and encouragement.

Can I walk with a group?

The more, the merrier. You can choose to complete the challenge on your own, as part of a group in which you total 40 miles collectively, or each walk 40 miles together – the choice is yours. If you arrange a group to fundraise with, you can each use the same Just Giving page to share with your friends and family.

What will the money I raise be used for?

Every week, over 16,000 people benefit from CUF-supported activities like Places of Welcome.

By fundraising with CUF, you will be supporting local churches and the people they serve.

Whether that's providing funding and training to help churches welcome refugees, funding vital research and tools that lead to new ways of tackling poverty and isolation, or helping us to grow the Places of Welcome network and offer safe spaces across the country - your support is transforming local communities across England.

To read more about our work and impact, see our latest Impact Report.

Below are photos from Advent Walk Towards Hope participants to inspire you to explore your local community and surroundings, either on your own or as part of a group. During this time, you could consider how you and your church could become more engaged in your local community.

What will you discover?

Mia and Rob
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Sign up to the challenge

Create a fundraising page and ask your loved ones to sponsor your Walk Towards Hope.

Need help with your fundraising? Please email or call 0203 752 5655. We would love to hear from you at any time.