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Places of Welcome

Local community groups providing their neighbourhoods with places where all people feel safe to connect, belong and contribute.

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Places of Welcome is a growing network of open spaces, providing people with the community they need.
And we’d love you to join in.

With over 800 across the UK, each Place of Welcome is unique but all provide a place for people to connect with one another, find belonging and offer gifts and skills that interest them.

Places of Welcome take place in a variety of different venues including churches, community centres, libraries, mosques, temples and other community group buildings across the UK.

Find a venue

Over 700 venues across England

Join the network

Find out how to register your venue


Access our free programmes, events, tools and research to help put your plan into action


Everything you need to know before, and when you're running your Places Of Welcome

In action

Find out what it means to run or join a Place of Welcome from the people involved

What do Places of Welcome do?

Place: Create an accessible and hospitable space (the same time and place each week)

People: Open to everyone regardless of their circumstances and staffed by volunteers

Presence: A place where people actively listen to one another

Provision: Offering free refreshments and vital local information

Participation: Recognise that every person coming to a Place of Welcome could bring talents, experiences & skills that offer value to others

With our support, you could bring out the best in your community.

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