Hardy four brave the elements in £6,000 churchyard sleep-out

Date Posted: Dec 19, 2023.

Four friends from Hertfordshire have raised more than £6,200 for CUF, by sleeping out in a churchyard on two of the coldest nights of the year.

The Royston Rough Sleepers – aka Andrew Sims, Sophie Wrangham, Mark Hearn and Mark Hamblin – survived freezing fog and driving sleet, sleeping outdoors to raise awareness of homelessness and raise money for CUF’s work with people who are homeless.

The hardy four have smashed their target of £6,000 and donations are still coming in. This is their seventh annual Christmas sleepout in the churchyard, and in that time they have raised more than £30,000.

Andrew told us his team “wants to make a difference by helping those who are trying to escape the misery and despair of homelessness”.

CUF works with people who are homeless through our Positive Pathways and Wayfinder projects, providing vital personalised support to people trying to break the cycle of homelessness.

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