Loving where you live

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Let's look for God’s love in action in our communities and turn again to our neighbours in loving service

Loving Wall Thin

Join us this Lent in reflection, prayer and action. Use our materials in a group or on your own to help you spot expressions of love in your community. Tell us what you love about where you live, or get a group together to tackle our popular Walk Towards Hope challenge.

Ideas for reflection and worship

Prayers, a Bible reading and a reflection that asks: what does God's radically selfless love look like in our communities?

Paths to action

How to start making a difference? Ask people in your community what they love about where they live and what needs to change

What about you?

Tell us what you love about where you live by sending us a photo or short video

Welcome, generosity, hospitality

One church that loves where they live have opened a pop-up cafe that is turning isolated neighbours into good friends

Walk Towards Hope

Go deeper into the 40 days of Lent by walking 40 miles by Easter, on your own or in a team

Prayer walk guide

Walking the streets where we live can make us more aware of the people, the blessings and the challenges that surround us

Your gratitude journal

We hope this pocket-sized prompt helps you reflect and pray for God's blessings in your life and community

Materials for school assemblies

Sessions from our friends at Just Finance Foundation on Generosity, Justice, Wisdom and Thankfulness

Look Up Tool

How well do you know your area? Find out about levels of poverty there

Places of Welcome

Could your church run a weekly drop-in cafe?

CUF's Resources Hub

Whatever stage you and your church are at with your social action, we're here to help.