What about you?

Loving Wall Thin

What do you love about where you live? Loving our neighbourhood is a great starting-place for wanting to make a difference to it. Use the form below to send us a photo or short video (max 30 seconds) and a few words saying what you love about where you live, and we'll build up a picture here.

Berks LWYL web 1

Kelly, Blakenall Heath Walsall

"...anything to help someone in need."

Berks LWYL web

David, Pangbourne, Berks

'...and behave like neighbours.'

Lauren, Nottingham

'I’ve had so many chats at the bus stop and I love how everyone’s looking out for each other.'

Christine, Great Glen

'Multicultural. Quiet, friendly.'

Sian, east London

'We’re more of a family than a community, where we help each other out when we’re in need'

Archbishop Stephen Cottrell, Yorkshire

"More than ever, it's the hills that have got inside me."

Lynda, Wythenshawe

'You can rest assured that people will help and support you'

Dan, east London

'You can't go from one end of our street to the other without having at least three or four conversations'

Rob, London

'I love its sense of energy, its sense of diversity; I love the people'


Liz, Wawne, near Hull

'We came here in 1971. I taught at the village school for many years, so I know two generations of families.

Copy of LWYL conversation card 2

Eileen, Wawne, near Hull

'I love the people - the people are really down to earth and friendly'

Tell us what you love about where you live.

Add your response to our gallery by filling in this form. You can also upload a photo and even send us a short video! Or get in touch with us at hello@cuf.org.uk.

Loving Wall

Loving where you live

Free resources to inspire you to look for God’s love in action in your community