Free online webinars designed to inform, inspire and equip
Join us throughout 2025 for support and resources to help you reach out in loving service
- Together in Prayer - reflection time for busy people
- Volunteering Crisis Point - what to do when volunteering goes wrong
All our webinars are free and everyone is welcome to attend. And if you can't make it on the day you'll be able to revisit the recording when it suits you.
We also attend and sponsor events with our partners. Join us at these events:
Together in Prayer - reflection time for busy people
Wednesday 9 April, 6pm - 7pm
An invitation to join us for a powerful time of
reflection and prayer around social justice, with a time of led intercession
for your own local work.
Volunteering Crisis Point - what to do when volunteering goes wrong
Wednesday 4 June, 11am - 12noon
Are you having problems with recruiting volunteers, negativity, volunteering simply not operating well, or conflict within those who are working on your projects or in your church? We take a look at some common difficulties with volunteering, with expert Julia Hill.
Catch up with other webinars
If you missed anything in our series of webinars, you can watch and share them here
Events we're sponsoring or attending
Being Missional Today: Disruption, Liminality & Reconciliation
A festival of ideas on missional thinking, with experiential learning opportunities, in dialogue with 22 different speakers & practitioners