Paths to action webinar series

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Register for one or all of our free online webinars designed to inform, inspire and equip.

Together in prayer
Wednesday 18 September, 10:30-11:30am
With Sara Barron, NECN Executive Director

An invitation to join us for a powerful time of reflection and prayer around social justice, with a time of led intercession for your own local work.

Driving your responses to poverty with data
Thursday 3 October
, 10-11am
With Sophie Edwardson, CUF Listening and Learning Officer

If you knew what we know about poverty in your parish, what changes would you make?
Take a deep dive into the data behind CUF’s Look Up Too, with experts in the field, and be resourced to take confident action.

Extending the table: Generosity in our communities
Wednesday 20 November
, 10-11am
With Revd Ray Gaston, St Chad & St Marks Team Vicar

Explore how we can all make space to show God’s love to more people through our churches, with inspiration from experienced practitioners and time for reflection.

Catch up with other webinars

If you missed anything in our series of webinars, you can watch and share them here