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Make use of our free webinars and courses to equip your church to meet the needs of your community
Make use of our free webinars and courses to equip your church to meet the needs of your community
Find out how you can grow your church and community by connecting the dots between social action, discipleship and growth, through our free Growing Good course.
Explore how we can all make space to show God’s love to more people through our churches, with inspiration from experienced practitioners and time for reflection.
Take a deep dive into the data behind CUF’s Look Up Tool, with experts in the field, and be resourced to take confident action.
A powerful time of reflection and prayer around social justice, with a time of led intercession for your own local work.
Inspired Efficiency specialises in helping Christian organisations reduce their energy footprint and costs. They shared simple ideas & quick wins to help with immediate costs, & longer-term projects.
Al Barret, author, practitioner, and parish priest, explored the ABCD model and considered what it means to build growth from your community’s assets, rather than focus on solving problems.
Five experienced practitioners cover key principles in supporting older people and look at practical examples of projects and places that are doing this well.
We thoughtfully consider how we welcome and respond to people with differing experiences and expectations crossing the thresholds of our projects and buildings.
We take a look at the practicalities of running a 'Feast of Fun', considering funding, partnerships, planning, and inspiration from the impact clubs are already having for families around the country.
Experienced practitioners and researchers Dr Val Barron and Rev Canon Nick Ralph explore the social enterprise model, the theological grounding for it, and inspiring examples.
Rev Martin Poole inspires us with stories of how a group of people have been taking Christian spirituality outside church buildings to engage with people creatively.
How can we avoid burnout ensure we are spiritually and mentally thriving? With Corin Pilling, National Director of Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries.
Hear more about a resource provided by Linking Lives UK for volunteers whose role includes hosting conversations in settings such as community cafés, Places of Welcome, lunch clubs or food banks
Join us and digital missioner Hannah Fleming-Hill in this free session for churches to explore this often-overwhelming world
At CUF we believe local, faith-based social action creates community and tackles poverty. But how to start? Places of Welcome open their doors weekly, rain or shine - places to belong and contribute.
Exploring Know Your Church, Know Your Neighbourhood (KYCKYN) - a free, facilitated course you can run with a small group of church members.
Not sure how your church can help people through the #CostOfLiving crisis? Join us and @justfinancefdn to learn how you can use their new Money Help Hub to serve your community.
Running or planning a small project? Have you considered how you’ll evaluate it? Explore why measurement is important & how to go about it with some simple tools, without creating lots of extra work
Want to help refugees but don't know where to start? Learn about how people arrive in the UK & what happens when they do; about cross-cultural & trauma awareness, & boundary setting
Learn how to create churches where stigma is tackled, support is appropriately available, and participation is at the heart
Explore how three places and spaces for wellbeing flourished out of biblically-grounded understandings of mental health, and find out how your church can get involved.
Growing Good users & researchers share reflections, experience & practical steps to connect social action & growth