
Showing: 137 resources

2012 Listing 5

I Am One In A Million

Research and Policy | Research Reports

Feb 09 2012 | 2 Downloads
2012 Listing 6

Growing Church Through Social Action: A National Survey Of Church-Based Action To Tackle Poverty

Research and Policy | Research Reports

Feb 09 2012 | 2 Downloads
2012 Listing 4

Poverty In Numbers 2012: Online Lookup Tool For Parishes In England

Research and Policy | Research Reports

Feb 09 2012 | 1 Download
2012 Listing 9

Submerging Church? Supporting Faith-Based Community Work In Deprived Areas

Research and Policy | Research Reports

Feb 09 2012 | 1 Download
2012 Listing 8

Bias To The Poor? A Study Of Christian Attitudes To Poverty In This Country

Research and Policy | Research Reports

Feb 09 2012 | 1 Download
2012 Listing 7

Poverty And Fresh Expressions: A Study Of Emerging Forms Of Church In Deprived Communities

Research and Policy | Research Reports

Feb 09 2012 | 2 Downloads
2013 Listing 5

Hungry For More: How Churches Can Address The Root Causes Of Food Poverty

Research and Policy | Research Reports

Feb 09 2012 | 2 Downloads
2012 Listing 11

Power, Poverty And The Church

Research and Policy | Research Reports

Feb 09 2012 | 1 Download
2012 Listing 10

Tackling Poverty 2012: A Report On CUF's Annual Conference

Research and Policy | Research Reports

Feb 09 2012 | 1 Download
2011 Before Listing 7

Working Well In A Multi-Faith Community

Research and Policy | Research Reports

Feb 09 2011 | 2 Downloads
2011 Before Listing 9

Believing In Local Action

Research and Policy | Research Reports

Feb 09 2011 | 1 Download