Wylam: St Oswin

Overall Deprivation

The population of this parish is 2243. It ranks 12170 out of 12382, where 1 is the most deprived parish.

This means that the parish is among the wealthiest in the country.


Child Poverty ?

Working-age Poverty ?

Pensioner Poverty ?

Life expectancy

Life Expectancy (Boys) ?

Life Expectancy (Girls) ?


No Qualifications ?

Social Housing ?

Lone Parenthood ?

People Living On Their Own ?

Older Population ?

Ethnic Diversity ?

Parish Data

Percentages and ranks Least in Nation Least in Diocese This parish Most in Diocese Most in Nation
Child Poverty ? 0.8% 1.6% 1.6%
Ranked 12303/12382
47.4% 57.5%
Pensioner Poverty ? 2% 3.2% 6.3%
Ranked 9390/12382
56% 72.7%
Working age poverty ? 0.5% 2% 4.1%
Ranked 9972/12382
31.9% 43.7%
Years Highest in Nation Highest in Diocese This parish Lowest in Diocese Lowest in Nation
Life expectancy (boys) ? 92yrs 84yrs 80.9yrs 71yrs 67.5yrs
Life expectancy (girls) ? 94yrs 88yrs 83yrs 76yrs 75yrs
Percentages Least in Nation Least in Diocese This parish Most in Diocese Most in Nation
No qualifications ? 0.3% 2% 12.3% 43.6% 52.1%
Social housing ? 0% 1% 6.9% 76.1% 86.3%
Lone parenthood ? 0% 6.4% 17.2% 52.6% 58.7%
People living on their own ? 5.4% 18.8% 28.2% 61.4% 73.8%
Older population ? 0.5% 1.2% 21.8% 34.5% 58.9%
Ethnic diversity ? 0.5% 1.2% 2.9% 58.9% 96.6%

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