Living Theology Forum

Our Living Theology Forum is a meeting place for the mutual exchange of shared theological ideas about Christian social action.

We want this forum to be participatory, invitational, empowering, challenging and open to challenge. And we will welcome contributions from diverse voices to help build a good library of material and shape the forum as a valued reference source for the wider church.

Read the most recent articles below.

Loving a World in Crisis

Rev David Tomlinson reflects on the call to love your neighbour and what it means to live for love in a world in crisis.

What should the Church’s ‘prophetic voices’ be calling for?

Jenny Sinclair, founder and director of Together for the Common Good (T4CG), reflects on Catholic social thought and how it can help us reflect on ‘what God wants of us in this place’.

Anti-racism and Christian hope

Jessamin Birdsall draws on insights from her recent book, Healing the Divides, to suggest a distinctive Christian contribution to racial unity and justice.

Living Theology Forum Webinar

Just Church? Why social justice matters for followers of Jesus Christ and the Church


As the Church of England focuses on social justice during Lent, this webinar explored how the theology and practice of social justice can be central to the life of the Church.Chaired by Rt Revd Adrian Newman (CUF’s Bishop in Residence), speakers at the webinar included Revd Prebendary Dr Isabelle Hamley (theological advisor to the House of Bishops, and author of Embracing Justice, the Lent material produced this year for the Church of England), Revd Canon Dr Anderson Jeremiah (lecturer in theology and politics at Lancaster University, and a CUF Trustee) and Chris Forster (Strategic Lead Officer, Transforming Plymouth Together).