Local churches continue to provide the one thing we all need: hope

Thanks to your support, CUF is here to serve them

This year, I’ve been reflecting on the role we’ve played in mobilising faith based social action that has transformed lives, including the development of Growing Good, Places of Welcome, and the Together Network.

This progress is the result of 35 years’ experience listening to and serving local churches, which has led to innovative and sustainable ways to respond to local need.

In 2022, the cost-of-living crisis has only heightened the unprecedented challenges we faced in 2021, pushing more people into financial distress, poor physical and mental health, and loneliness. But local churches and generous volunteers have continued to inspire us with their resilience and creativity, providing practical support as well as love and care.

In 2022, we continued our work building and mobilising a national movement of faith-based partners working together to serve local people and organisations who know their communities best. We equipped people to make a bigger difference in their community through leadingmhigh impact programmes.

And we amplified local voices, speaking out to influence policy and decision makers.

However, we know we have much more to do. As we enter the second year of our new strategy, we will build on this progress, but also adapt our approach to respond to the needs of local people and churches.

At CUF, we remain committed to equipping local churches to serve, lead, and speak.

As Christians, we know the value of community and fellowship. We know that we need each other to really flourish. We have all been given different gifts for this purpose: to serve others as Jesus did. Church communities allow us to love one another, walk in fellowship with one another, bear each other’s burdens, and grow to serve our world together.

As local churches across England serve and care for people in need, we must continue to stand with them. The world remains a complex and unjust place for too many people. But, as is shown through the stories in this report, it doesn’t have to be that way.
We have hope.

Andrew Barnett OBE, Chair

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More stories of hope