Help bring people in from the cold this Christmas

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'Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints; extend hospitality to strangers.'
Romans 12:12-13

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This Christmas, help us build stronger and more loving communities

Christmas is a time to open our doors a little wider – more squeezing round tables, into churches, extending welcomes – like the innkeeper in the Christmas story, we go out of our way to offer hospitality to friends and strangers. Please fundraise to help us extend that wide welcome to thousands of people in need. From holding a community-themed service to organising a bake sale, you’ll be extending hospitality to strangers, and contributing to the needs of saints.

Take an Advent service collection

Donate to help tackle poverty and exclusion; for collection envelopes, call 0203 752 5655 or email

Prayers and reflections

Use our prayer resources to foster hope for building compassionate and hospitable communities.

Hold a community meal or bake sale

Open your doors for a community hot meal and chat this Christmas - see our recipes!

Share CUF with your congregation

Show our video so together we can build a more just and flourishing community.

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Read these notes to share what we do with your community.

Paper chain activity

Create festive decoration chains, and explore the power of strong communities in this all-age activity.

Fundraise your way!

Prayer walks, sleepout challenges, raffles – do it your way with our tools and tips.

Placemat colouring in

Engage the children in community mealtimes, with these festive colouring in placemats

More ways for your church to give

You can also give by bank transfer and cheque, find out more here

Set up a Just Giving page

Just Giving is a platform that lets you fundraise online – it’s easy to set up.

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Places of Welcome are bringing people in from the cold

This Christmas our appeal features Colin, who was helped by a CUF-supported Place of Welcome at his local church. It’s a great example of local people using their skills, time and resources to build a wider welcome. Down on his luck, Colin had been living in a tent for a year and had felt very judged by society. “I only told one or two people at work that I was homeless, and they almost didn’t believe me. I wasn’t scruffy and dirty like they expected.” But a friend told him about a local Place of Welcome, which was so different: “It’s welcoming, warm, and friendly, and everyone here is nice. The foodbank in particular has been a Godsend.”

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This Christmas, your church or group can help people like Colin

Donate now

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men.

Luke 2:14