Impact Report 2021

Our Impact Report demonstrates how, with your support, Church Urban Fund is achieving our strategic objectives.

You can download our latest Impact Report below. If you have any questions about the content of this report, please get in touch at We would love to hear from you.

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Impact Report 2021

What we have achieved together in 2021

Covid-19 changed our social landscape in ways that were impossible to predict. Now is the time to listen, adapt quickly, and find new ways of engaging – and CUF is doing just that.

In late 2021, months of extensive listening and learning to inform Church Urban Fund’s new strategy drew to a conclusion, drawing on diverse voices up and down the country. This has challenged all kinds of assumptions, including who does the helping and who needs help.

Our refreshed strategy is predicated on the belief that the Church of England’s parish network is one of the country’s greatest assets – thanks to its local reach, lived experience and persistent presence. Indeed, in many of the most marginalised communities where the shop, pub and church hall may have closed down, the church remains.

And it is acknowledgement of this asset which has given us the confidence to imagine a future, a vision of communities of hope acting together to serve and strengthen society which frames Church Urban Fund’s new three-year plan.

Our prayer is that, in and through relationship with each other, and serving God through our neighbour, hearts, minds and society will be transformed.

Trustees, Church Urban Fund

When crises occur, it’s the unwavering support of our supporters and volunteers who remind us of the importance of the work we do. Church Urban Fund is needed now more than ever to support and inspire social action, particularly the local churches and groups repeatedly stepping up for the most vulnerable in their communities. This has been affirmed by stakeholders within and beyond the Church of England who have offered us their unwavering support.

This backing drives the fundamentally theological approach, that makes us a distinctive contributor to the landscape of social justice in England. We are drawn by a vision of the world as God intends it to be, we are driven by the biblical cry for righteousness, justice and peace and we are directed by Christ’s example to prioritise those experiencing poverty, injustice and inequality.

Our task between 2022 and 2024 - working with and through the Together Network, Near Neighbours and Just Finance Foundation - is to grow our local reach in depth and breadth, supporting as many people and local organisations on the front-line in communities to catalyse local social action.

Between January 2022 and December 2024 our goal is to empower 15,000 people who will in turn collectively reach 100,000 others.