Thank you for supporting local communities through Church Urban Fund

Church giving masthead

Church Urban Fund was one of the first organisations to support local, faith-based responses to urban poverty – and we have been equipping churches and transforming communities ever since. We support local leaders who are passionate about helping their neighbours, trying to create a brighter future for everyone. We recognise the vital role churches play in fostering a strong and compassionate community. Together, we can amplify the positive impact we have on the lives of those in need.

But we can't achieve this alone. Your church’s support is vital in ensuring we can continue this support.

Every act of compassion, no matter how small, reflects our humanity and embodies love and care for our community. In a world facing challenges such as homelessness and poverty, the importance of following Jesus' example of compassion and action has never been more critical.

We believe that faith-based communities play a crucial role in fostering compassion and inspiring positive change.

Church Questionnaire 2024

If you have recently received our questionnaire by mail and would like to complete it online please click on this link.

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Will you donate today?

We would be extremely grateful if your congregation chooses to support Church Urban Fund by donating to us.

  • £120 could help provide advice and support to 6 churches to open Places of Welcome and provide warm, safe community spaces.
  • £240 could help distribute Growing Good to 12 churches who want to make a difference in their community.
  • £380 could help fund a regional workshop for 11 churches, equipping them with essential skills and resources to support their communities.

Making a donation directly into our bank account

To make a donation using direct bank transfer, please use our bank details:

Bank Name: NatWest Bank

Account Name: Church Urban Fund

Account number: 05315115

Sort Code: 56-00-33

Sending a donation by cheque

If you would prefer to send us a cheque please send it using the following details. Please include your church's details so that we can acknowledge your donation:

The Fundraising Team

Church Urban Fund

The Foundry, 17 Oval Way

London SE11 5RR

Your donation reference

Please use the CUF unique supporter number for your church, which you should be able to find on any correspondence received from us, as the reference when completing your transfer. If you do not know what this this please call 020 752 5655 or email and our friendly team will help you.

Let us know the donation is coming

Please email to let us know the amount and date of your bank transfer, so that we can make sure your donation is processed correctly and you receive an acknowledgment.

Other ways your church can help to support CUF

  • Hold a fundraising event: Consider hosting a fundraising event at your church, such as a bake sale, talent show, or community dinner to raise awareness and funds for our cause.
  • Spread awareness: We would be grateful if you could share our mission and the needs we address with your congregation. This could be done during services, through your newsletter, or on your social media platforms.
  • Collect donations throughout the year: Please contact us if you would like us to send you donation envelopes for your congregation to donate to our work.

Please contact us at if you would like any further information.

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”

Matthew 25:35-36