Salt of the earth: general election

Francesco alberti xrm Eghl7a Ho unsplash

We are called to be the ‘salt of the earth’ (Matthew 5:13).
It may seem that our voice will be lost, but in the same way that a grain of salt
can make a difference, our involvement, our voice, our vote, our prayer can also make a difference.

Over the coming weeks we'll see lots of news coverage about the elections. We'll have leaflets through our letterboxes, canvassers knocking on doors, opportunities to attend hustings and of course the chance, for those eligible, to cast our vote on election day. It is an important time to ask questions about the kind of country we want to be.

So, why is it important that Christians engage with this process?
Some people might say that you shouldn’t mix faith with politics, but it is important that Christians should be involved in the political process, both at the national and local level, and there are things that each and every Christian can do to be a part of this.

As Christians we are called to share in God’s love for all people, and not to show indifference, but to try and make a difference, to play our part in the coming of God’s Kingdom.

As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to love God and to love our neighbour. Up and down the country we hear inspiring stories of how churches are reaching out to some of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged people in our communities; we hear their stories and concerns.

You can find out about some of the concerns that might affect your area with our Look Up Tool.

Through engaging with hustings debates, by talking to political candidates on our doorsteps, we can share the concerns that matter most deeply where we live and ask the question of how political policy will affect the lives of the people we serve. We can and should ask questions about how political parties and candidates will tackle poverty in all its forms.

We should also pray. Pray for our political candidates, for the new Government, for all engaged with making our country a better, fairer place to live. St Paul, in his letter to Timothy urges us to pray for everyone, including those in high positions, for peace and dignity (1 Timothy 2: 1-2). The Church of England is launching a campaign to #PrayYourPart, and encouraging us to join in prayer for our nation at this critical time.

One of the bedrocks of our worshipping life together is the Magnificat, Mary’s song (Luke 1: 46-55), which is part of evening prayer recited daily in cathedrals and churches across our country. These are the words of a young woman from a humble background; yet Dietrich Bonhoeffer describes these words as the “most revolutionary hymn that has ever been sung”. These words show that God is right in the middle of our human existence. This is God drawing close to the humble, the lonely, the outcast, the poor, the unloved, the powerless.

CUF website Mary

Jesus describes his followers as ‘light of the world’ (Matthew 5:14), and so we are called to be a people of hope at this time. That hope that echoes through the words of the Magnificat that what people say is lost, God says is found.

During the course of the election campaign we will be sharing on social media some of the things our team and partners are hoping for so that our humanity and communities might flourish. We hope these reflections will help you in your prayers for the country as we face the general election and a new parliament.

Look Up Tool

Find out more about the level of poverty in your parish, how this compares with other parishes, and start to identify and respond to local need

Pray, Plan, Paths

Resources to help you grow new connections and make a difference where you live

Pray Your Part

An invitation from the bishops of the Church of England to encourage prayer and participation in the life of our nation and communities, both as voters and citizens.

Let’s End Poverty

We’re supporting Let’s End Poverty as part of a coalition trying to engage parties with the issues surrounding poverty in the run up to the election. Find resources & sign up to support the campaign


Luke, Timothy, Matthew