Near Neighbours West London – Training (an individual story)
A woman in West London with very low confidence has taken part in two funded projects.
First was an exercise class & networking group that has helped her improve her fitness levels & lose weight, here she learnt about diet and the need for more balance in her life. She then went on to complete a 10 week course called 'Empower to Employment', which gave her the confidence to believe she could get back into employment. Working on her CV through this class, she applied to volunteer as an administrator at a local school. This developed & she now has a full-time contract at the school.
Many of the women on this course had been out of work for some time and as a result their self-esteem had been knocked and sense of identity blurred. This course helped them identify their core gifts and talents, tackle limiting beliefs and give them the confidence and skills to go for a job they are passionate about.