UCSavvy Resource Update

Date Posted: Sep 22, 2019.

Capture UC Savvy

In September, the Research and Policy team, working with some of the Just Finance Foundation Development Workers, updated the UC Savvy Facilitator slides, in light of recent updates to the Government’s policy on Universal Credit.

Universal Credit is the new means tested benefit that replaces six in-work and out of work benefits and it is the most ambitious change in the welfare system in a generation. It affects and will continue to affect many people in parishes, projects and communities across the UK. Helping people navigate the new system and their entitlements within it can make a real difference.

UC Savvy is a short course, designed by JFF, to help people understand and negotiate some of the complexities of Universal Credit, with signposting to professional advice.

We will continue to monitor changes to Government policy around Universal Credit, and will schedule another update in early 2020.

If you are interested in putting on a UC Savvy Course at your church or community group, visit: https://www.justfinancefoundation.org.uk/resources/uc-savvy or get in touch at: enquiries@jff.org.uk