Royal Visit to Wellsprings Together and Near Neighbours

Date Posted: Jan 17, 2020.


Near Neighbours brings people together in communities that are religiously and ethnically diverse, so that they can get to know each other better, build relationships of trust, and collaborate together on initiatives that improve the local community they live in. Their work in West Yorkshire is hosted by Wellsprings Together, a joint venture between the Anglican Diocese of Leeds and the Church Urban Fund aiming to support community transformation through dynamic partnerships.

As part of their visit, The Duke and Duchess joined a creative session that consisted of two activities, typical of the work of Near Neighbours, which explored themes of community, relationships across difference and the impact individuals can have in bringing positive change. This session was hosted by Kaneez Khan, the Near Neighbours co-ordinator for West Yorkshire: “What these activities do is provide a space and framework for the community to listen and learn from one another. We are fortunate to have so many vibrant and committed partners in Bradford who bring people together day in day out. It was so encouraging to hear the royal couple recognise the importance of these conversations and the need to have them.”

The royal couple heard about a number of projects including the work of women from a local church and mosque who have come together to address issues of drugs and litter and have broken down perceptions of the others faith. Helping to host the visit was the Bishop of Bradford the Rt Revd Toby Howarth:

“As Bishop of Bradford and Chair of Wellsprings Together it was a pleasure to welcome The Duke and Duchess to see the work that goes in this District. Our community has much to learn from one another as we seek mutual flourishing here and the work of Wellsprings and Near Neighbours helps to make this possible”.

The Bishop of Bradford, The Rt Revd Toby Howarth