Milo's money - LifeSavers News

In 2020/2021 The LifeSavers Team were given a fantastic new challenge – to create a resource for 5-7 year olds.

Date Posted: Oct 12, 2021.

Milo’s Money, born with funding from Money and Pensions who were embarking on a research project into effective ways to teach 5-7 year olds about money, has reached children across the country! While we are still awaiting the full feedback from the evaluation team we do have reason to celebrate – Milo has had a fantastic response from all our teachers who helped us make the pilot possible!!

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We had 83 Schools take part. That is around 6500 children using Milo to help them learn about money! The website has been very popular too – over 8600 views to the site. The Milo game was played 4500 times! There are also now over 80 resources that teachers can use to enhance their teaching and feel empowered to teach financial education in class.

Here are some of the quotes we have had from our AMAZING teachers….

The way Milo's Money handles the fact that even small amounts of money require decisions that can impact, not only the person making the choice, but also others around them, is needed.”

I would recommend Milo’s Money for teaching. It has a great core story and a flexibility in its resources to allow teachers to teach in a way that suits their learners.”

The scheme gives you freedom to plan your own learning for your children however it does also provide schools with ideas for learning and financial education.”

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The Main LifeSavers programme team have been busy wrapping up Milo’s Money for 2020/21 but also working on the new school year. As of September we are supporting all our fantastic schools running Savings Clubs; supporting NEW schools who are looking to take on our programme; retraining staff who need a bit of a refresh after 18months with skeleton programmes over the pandemic.

We are so excited to be able to offer the resources to more schools – Thanks to the All Churches Trust we are reaching more and more across the country this year and even some in Wales! By the end of 2022 we will have at least 40 NEW schools running our LifeSavers programme!! We already have about half that waiting in the wings/going through the motions to be full LifeSavers schools!

Using the LifeSavers programme schools now have ‘VIP access’ to all our materials which have been organised in an easy grab and go fashion great for teachers to pick exactly what they want and need to use with their class. We are adding more all the time!!

Here is a great quote from one of our Milo teachers that links our LifeSavers values:

Making links between our financial choices and thankfulness, wisdom, generosity and justice should enable and equip our children to do more than just make quick financial calculations but more likely to make wise ones.”

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Thank you teachers!!!!

Please do check out our wall of fame to see some excellent examples of Milo in action!!