Meet Our Newest Team Members

Date Posted: Feb 08, 2020.

Team members

Aimee and Anna joined CUF in June as part of our fundraising team. They will be working on supporter relations surrounding the Mustard Seed Appeal and the Advent Sleepout Challenge.

We want you to have a chance to learn a little bit more about them!

Meet Aimee

What did you do before you joined CUF?

I've only just finished my course at uni, so the answer to this is not a whole lot! I studied History and Politics at Warwick which I enjoyed, especially because I was lucky enough to do the third year of my degree in Australia. While I was out there, I interned at TEAR Australia as a Young Adults Coordinator for the Melbourne region which I loved, as I was able to get involved with a great community of young people. I've spent the last year working for Lacuna, an online human rights magazine, as a publicity assistant alongside my studies.

What are you hoping to learn from this role?

I love working in the charity sector and in the past have enjoyed the fast paced nature of it, as well as the chance to see real change happening right before your eyes - this internship provided another chance to be a part of that. In this role I'm hoping to learn more about how to be an effective fundraiser, and how to get people excited and engaging with the difficult issue of finances, as I don't think that as a country we talk about money enough.

Tell us a funny fact about yourself

I was born with an extra toe, but I had an operation to remove it when I was about five years old so it is long gone now!

Meet Anna

What did you do before you joined CUF?

I'm originally from Durham, and I moved down to London in 2013 to study English Literature at King's College London and I've just graduated. Back up north I worked as a Stage School Teaching Assistant, a job largely consisting of being tickled by 5 year olds. Here in London alongside my degree I've been a waitress for an events company for two years where I did get the chance to work in really cool venues like the Tower of London and St. James' Palace.

What are you hoping to learn from this role?

I'm hoping to go into the not-for-profit sector now that I've graduated and I want to get some experience of how these organisations work day to day. Specifically I want to see how a fundraising campaign originates, evolves and then develops and CUF will be a great place to learn as much as I can!

But above all I can't wait to learn all about using Microsoft Excel...

Tell us a funny fact about yourself.

I have a phobia of geese so having a workplace so close to St. James' Park, aka National Goose Headquarters is perhaps going to cause some issues.