Jess ran the London Marathon – and raised funds for CUF!

Read her inspiring interview below and learn why she took on this important challenge.

Date Posted: Oct 13, 2021.

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We interviewed Jess a couple of weeks before the 2021 London Marathon day. In this interview, we spoke about why she has chosen to fundraise for CUF, how COVID affected her preparation and her top tips for future fundraisers.

CUF: Hi Jess, would you tell us a bit about yourself?

Jess: I’m a 30-something mum of two who works as a GP in the North West. I’m a Christian and attend a suburban church with lots of social needs within the community it serves. In both my professional and personal life I am passionate about seeking to love and serve those in need – seeing Jesus’ example as a huge motivation for myself.

I’ve always enjoyed running as a means of keeping fit and having a healthy mind. I’m equally excited and nervous about this new challenge.

C: Why have you chosen this event for your fundraising?

J: I have always dreamt of running the London Marathon – I honestly thought it would never happen but the opportunity arose to run for Church Urban Fund, linking two things (running and social justice) I am passionate about.

When I found out I was running, a few days later my grandfather (a committed Christian) took ill and sadly went to be with Jesus. I want this run to be in remembrance of him and will be wearing a special necklace on the day of the run.

C: How has Covid affected your preparation?

J: I was meant to run the marathon in April 2020 and was almost at my peak fitness when the first lockdown happened. It was postponed until later the same year but again postponed. This has certainly mentally impacted my desire to train at times. In addition, my work as an NHS professional increased massively which has certainly been stressful and limited my chances to run.

C: What are your top tips for other people who are thinking about taking a similar challenge?

Get a good pair of trainers, music/podcasts and find some exciting routes to run. Pace yourself and get excited towards race day. And last but not less, enjoy it.

C: How did you hear about the Together Network/Church Urban Fund and the work we do?

J: My dad initially suggested Church Urban Fund as he has links through his own work. When I looked into the organisation more I thought it was perfect to run for.

C: What message do you have for people who are supporting you by donating?

J: Thank you so much for supporting my running – it is certainly going to be what keeps me going whilst getting out of bed to train and when slowly passing those mile markers on the day.

C: What are you most looking forward to on marathon day?

J: I have always said I cannot wait to hit the final bit of the marathon and run down the Mall towards Buckingham Palace with all the crowds around. It gives me excited shivers thinking about it.

Jess ran the marathon on the 3rd of October 2021 and fundraised £ 1,498 towards our life-changing work.


Feeling inspired by Jess’ achievement? Join us and choose your fundraising challenge today.