Growing Good for Lent 2022

New resource to equip church communities to grow new connections and make a bigger difference where they live.

Date Posted: Jan 21, 2022.

Church Urban Fund launches new Growing Good Toolkit to equip church communities to grow new connections and make a bigger difference where they live.

Participation still

The Growing Good Toolkit has launched: six free sessions for small groups that provide practical tools for churches who want to connect with and serve the needs of their local community this Lent.

It is estimated that churches contribute to at least 35,000 social action projects across our country that directly support their local communities, but many report having insufficient time and resources to meet rising need.

The Growing Good Toolkit is based on a three-year research project from Theos and ChurchUrban Fund that explored the relationship between social action, growth, and discipleship in churches across England.

This research identified five common themes shared by churches that are growing faithfulness and fruitfulness: presence, perseverance, hospitality, adaptability, participation.

The Growing Good Toolkit includes six sessions of reflection, discussion, prayer, and take-away actions to help churches journey through Lent. Churches can use all six sessions over the six weeks of Lent or choose those that are most relevant to their context and vision. The sessions have been purposefully designed to equip churches and faith-based groups to grow new connections, invite more people to participate, and adapt to make a bigger difference in their local community.

Most Reverend Stephen Cottrell, Archbishop of York, said: This Lent, the six sessions of the Growing Good Toolkit –developed based on research from CUF and Theos -will help churches grow in faithfulness and fruitfulness.

"From small and often unsophisticated acts of kindness, to the large-scale social action projects and campaigns for justice in which many of are engaged, [Growing Good]highlights the persistent presence at the heart of communities that so many churches represent. Those that reach out in loving service to build new connections, new partnerships, and new disciples.

“Growing Good is also an effective toolkit for those churches seeking to be inspired and equipped to take action: churches who are aware of the multiple needs, yet also the wealth of gifts and skills, in their community; churches who are seeking practical ideas that can help turn their hunger for justice into concrete action, or churches looking to adapt creatively to the challenges and changes in their neighbourhood.”

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Rachel Whittington, CUF’sExecutive Director, said: “We have been thrilled to hear how the Growing Good Toolkit is helping churches respond to the needs in their community, exacerbated by the pandemic.

'The sessions provide space to reflect on and celebrate the important work churches are already doing. But they also challenge people to see their community with fresh eyes. This is timely and relevant as we all consider how to move forward from the pandemic. How can we grow and deepen our connections with each other? How can we adapt to changing circumstances? The pandemic has challenged all kinds of assumptions –including who does the helping and who needs help.

'Growing Good provides a framework and the tools that churches need to reflect on the changing landscape and plan ahead.For over 30 years, Church Urban Fund has encouraged and equipped local churches to demonstrate the love of God through social action. It is our hope that this Lent, Growing Good will refresh our commitment to loving God through loving our neighbour.

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Join Growing Good this Lent

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