Girls’ Brigade, CUF & Great British Bake Off’s Kim-Joy work together to help tackle food poverty

Date Posted: Feb 06, 2019.

Pancakes 2020863

This year Great British Bake Off finalist Kim-Joy and the Girls’ Brigade (GB) are helping CUF fight food poverty.

Latest stats show that more and more people in this country struggle to put food on the table. 1 in 8 British adults say they are anxious about not being able to afford food. All across this country, there are children going to school hungry and parents skipping meals so that their kids can eat an evening meal.

Through the work of CUF’s Together Network we are working to change this but we need your support. In the coming weeks churches, schools, families, and this year, for the first time, Girls’ Brigade (GB) groups throughout England and Wales: will be running Big Pancake Parties to raise funds to help fight food poverty.

Great British Bake Off finalist from 2018, Kim-Joy, has added her support to the Big Pancake Party to help tackle hunger in Britain.

“I've joined the Big Pancake Party because I don't want to just take for granted that I have food every day - I want to help other people who don't have that.

It's so sad to think that there are people who are hungry, that's a basic need. I think the Together Network does some amazing work - it's not just about giving people a package of food, they empower people.”


“The best recipes are made up of great ingredients that work brilliantly together. Take the much-loved pancake and throw in some creative young people and enthusiastic leaders who care for their community, and you get an unforgettable event that eats away at food poverty. I know that many GB groups will take up the challenge of the Big Pancake Party and stand up to food poverty. Let’s have fun and make a difference!”

GB President Rachel Gardner

With nearly a million adults using a food bank every year in Britain and 5% of British adults saying that they regularly miss a meal as they were unable to afford food, this is a timely initiative.

This Pancake Season you can help the Together Network (part of the Church Urban Fund) work towards helping end hunger by supporting initiatives around the country such as ‘holiday-hunger’ schemes (providing free lunches for children during the summer holidays when the lack of free school meals means children often go hungry), ‘Community Fridges’ (places where surplus food is made available to those who need it), low cost community food outlets at churches and the running of food banks.

Keith (name changed) used to be homeless but is now living in a damp, mouldy flat with unsafe electrics. He spends most of his days walking around to keep warm and prevent him having to put more money on his electric prepayment meter, that he can’t afford. In order to survive he has at least one meal a week at the local church drop-in arranged through the Together Network and yet he still occasionally has to pawn his phone to buy food.

Together we can make a bigger difference to the lives of people across the country who are struggling to feed themselves.

Find out how you can run a Big Pancake Party or donate to the campaign at:

For interviews, photos and more information please contact: Matt Adcock, Head of Comms at Church Urban Fund on 07711 872753 or email: