COVID Cash Recovery Course reaches 22,400 people

Date Posted: Dec 16, 2021.

After the Pandemic put pressure on the finances of people across the country, Just Finance Foundation created, evolved and ran a supportive service to help people understand and take control of their financial situations.

During 2021 the Course ran over 73 sessions across the country. Funded by Allchurches Trust, we were able to offer information and signposting to people who either needed financial support or worked with those in their community who did.

Not only was the course run in English but also in 14 other language and cultural translations to offer suitable adaptations for over 200 individuals in their communities.

"Fantastic session and very Informative - lots of advice to pass on to people who are struggling in this difficult time."

"The delivery was good and there the resources available were over and above what I had expected … I will definitely use the resources again. They are brilliant."

"Very clear and concise training. It was easy to follow which means sharing can only be beneficial to our community, congregation and in the workplace. I would readily recommend this course"

During 2022 we hope to revisit the content of this course and give it a fresh new look to allow us to broaden the reach to communities across the country.

Visit the Covid Cash Course