Building Kingdom Communities: A Discussion Event

Date Posted: Feb 08, 2020.

Cuf people

CUF is hosting an event in association with Livability to discuss how churches can best serve their communities. This event is based on the Fullness of Life Together and Building Kingdom Communities reports.

In the Fullness of Life Together report, CUF and Livability reflect on the way in which churches engage with their communities. We explore the limitations of a service delivery approach and look at alternative models. In naming Asset-Based Community Development and Co-production models, we looked to explore how an approach where ‘helping neighbours share gifts’ might lead to transformation for the individual and the community.

In a second paper, Building Kingdom Communities, we share a theological reflection exploring how church social action can help to break down barriers between people and enable transforming relationships shaped by reconciliation, sacrificial love, friendship and grace.

With increasing downward pressure on churches, this event explores whether participatory, asset-based approaches can bring something new to a discussion of what makes a community of genuine partnerships.

Who is this for?

This event is for Church Leaders, Community Workers, Youth Workers, Volunteers, all those local and involved. It aims to explore the questions raised by the two papers from a practitioner perspective and to generate conversation about the possibilities for Christian community engagement.

The day will include a brief summary of the themes of the two papers, followed by a practitioner presentation exploring how participatory approaches can work in practice. Time will be given to facilitated conversation and response.

Book your place now:

If you would like to join for an open discussion about our approach to community engagement and the theological convictions that underpin them, please let us know by registering your place, for free on the Eventbrite page.

Date & Time:

- Tuesday 13th September 2016

- 11.00am-2.30pm (with tea and coffee from 10.45 am and including a sandwich lunch)

(Please, let us know of any dietary requirements & accessibility needs when registering. Thank you!).


Livability Office, 6 Mitre Passage, Greenwich, London. SE10 0ER