A message from the Most Reverend Stephen Cottrell, Archbishop of York

Archbishop of York says Growing Good celebrates the potential of the local church to make a difference.

Date Posted: Jan 11, 2022.

A message from the Most Reverend Stephen Cottrell, Archbishop of York:

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The Growing Good Toolkit celebrates the potential of the local church to make a difference. From small, and often unsophisticated, acts of kindness, to the large-scale social action projects and campaigns for justice in which many of are engaged, it highlights the persistent presence at the heart of communities that so many churches represent. Those that reach out in loving service to build new connections, new partnerships, and new disciples.  

Growing Good is also an effective toolkit for those churches seeking to be inspired and equipped to take action: churches who are aware of the multiple needs, yet also the wealth of gifts and skills, in their community; churches who are seeking practical ideas that can help turn their hunger for justice into concrete action, or churches looking to adapt creatively to the challenges and changes in their neighbourhood.

This Lent, the six sessions of the Growing Good Toolkit – developed based on research from CUF and Theos - will help churches grow in faithfulness and fruitfulness. My prayer is that Growing Good will help us become a Church vibrantly fulfilling its mission to form disciples who are called to love their neighbours and seek justice. As Christians, we can’t help but show our love in this way because God, our Heavenly Father, first loved us. 

With all good wishes,

+Stephen Ebor:

The Most Revd & Rt Hon Stephen CottrellArchbishop of York

Press Release

Church Urban Fund launches new Growing Good Toolkit to equip church communities to grow new connections and make a bigger difference where they live.

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Sign up today to access your free Growing Good Toolkit and help your church grow in faith and community.

#LiveLent: Embracing Justice is the Church of England’s theme for Lent 2022. Each week we follow a different thread through the many stories of justice in the Bible to explore how God works with humanity to bring justice, wholeness and salvation to all.

We are pleased to align with this theme through Growing Good: a great practical tool that can help church communities turn their hunger for justice into concrete action to support the needs of their communities.

To access the Church of England’s Lent resources and reflections, visit the #LiveLent: Embracing Justice webpage: https://www.churchofengland.org/resources/livelent-2022-church-resources-embracing-justice